GPS receiver design has taken a quantum leap forward with the new GR-3. It starts with 72 “universal” channels that support all current and planned satellite positioning signals. Then there’s the micro-tuned, precision antenna capable of receiving all G3 positioning signals with Topcon’s patented center-mount radio antenna for superior signal tracking and interference reduction.
The GR-3 receiver incorporates a unique dual communication system, featuring both cellular and radio technology. Offering a 915 MHz Spread Spectrum internal Tx/Rx* or Digital UHF radio, the GR-3 can serve roles as either an RTK base or rover system. And by utilizing the optional internal GSM / GPRS / CDMA modem communication system via the easily accessible cellular SIM card slot, a user can extend their range far beyond radio capability or utilize both receivers as rover systems off a fixed base station or a network system.
*915 MHz Spread Spectrum radio technology is not approved for use in Europe or Asia
It is the World’s First G3 (GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo) capable GNSS receiver, and a clear indication of Topcon’s technology leadership in the satellite positioning industry!
Features & Benefits:
- Digital UHF or Spread Spectrum radio
- Advanced Rugged System Design
- Optional Internal GSM / GPRS / CDMA Cellular Communication
- 72 Universal Tracking Channels
- Bluetooth Wireless Technology
- G3 Satellite Tracking (GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo)