Earth Moving: Motor Grader
3D-MC² raises performance up to 200% over existing 3D systems — whateverthe ground, whoever the operator. Adding 3D-MC² to your motor grader allows the control system to immediately sense any changes in the cutting edge position and instantly make corrections.
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Easy-to-use, flexible 3D control
On a job site, the pressure is always on and the clock is ticking. 3D-MC² eliminates that stress, since your motor grader can grade as fast as it can run, with unbeaten accuracy. Stay on top or even get ahead of schedule while lowering costs.

Finish grades at higher speeds and tighter tolerances
You’ll save time, fuel and money at every pass.
- Prevents undercutting
- GPS + GLONASS coverage
- 100 Hz blade position update rate
- 100 Hz hydraulic update rate