Ultra Measure Master Calculator - 8025
Professional Grade U.S. Standard to Metric Conversion Calculator
The Ultra Measure Master Calculator is the most complete and easy-to-use U.S. Standard to Metric conversion calculator available for engineers, architects, construction pros, scientists and students. Convert more than 60 imperial and metric (si) units over 400 conversion combinations with a touch of a few buttons! Forget complex scientific calculators or memorizing conversion formulas! The Ultra Measure Master meets federal highway metrication requirements. Easily calculate linear, area and volume measurements. Works in and convert between feet, inches, fractions, yards, meters, centimeters, and millimeters including square and cubic formats
Dedicated Functions:
Linear: Feet-Inch-Fractions or Yards, Miles, Decimal Feet/Inch Fractions, Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters and Kilometers.
Area: Feet-Inch-Fraction, Yards, Acres, Square-Miles, Millimeters, Centimeters and Meters, Hectares, Square-Kilometers
Volume: Cubic Feet, Inch, Yards, Acre-Feet, Board Feet, Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters, Kilometers, Miles, Gallons, Liters, and Fluid Ounces
Weight: Pounds, Dry Ounces, Tons, Metric Tons, Grams, and Kilograms
Weight Per Volume: Tons per cubic yard, pounds per cubic yard, and kilograms per cubic meter
Linear Velocity: Inches and feet per second, feet per minute, MPH, minute and hour, millimeters and meters per second/minute and kilometers per hour
Flow Rate: Ounces per second, gallons per minute, millimeters and liters per second
Pressure: Pounds per square inch (PSI), pounds per square foot (PSF), kilo-pascal, mega-pascal and bars
Bending Moment: Inch-pounds, foot-pounds, newton meters
Temperature: Fahrenheit (F) and Centigrade (C)
Added Features/User Preferences Set Custom Options: Fractions, area, volume cost per unit - solve unit cost and pricing. Backspace key - easily corrects entry errors. Paperless Tape - allows review of the last 20 entries, double check totals
Standard Calculations: works as a math calculator with %, +, -, x, +/-, 1/x, x2, and includes protective 360 hard cover door tech specs
Size: 5.7 x 3.0 x 0.65 (145mm x 76mm x 17mm)
Weight: 4.15oz (117.7gm) does not include pocket reference guide
Power: Single 3-Volt Lithium Battery (CR-2016)
Display: LCD, 11 Digits (7 Normal, 4 Fractions) with Full Annunciators
Dimensions: 0.73 x 2.56 (19mm x 65mm)
Accuracy: 12 Digit Internal Accuracy