This custom package from Benchmark comes complete with everything you need to set up a skid steer or mini excavator for dual grading applications. It includes the GL1425c dual slope laser, a CR700 laser receiver, a mount for a skid steer (which needs to be welded on), a tripod, and an aluminum grade rod.
Designed specifically for those new to machine control, this package features our custom-built skid steer mount. The beauty of this package is the ease with which you can switch the CR700 between both a skid steer and mini excavator, depending on the work you are doing. This is the best value for your money if you are looking to integrate dual slope machine control into your skid steer and mini excavators.
Say goodbye to hopping out of the cab all day to check the grade yourself. Turn a two-man job into a one-man operation with Benchmark’s exclusive Skid Steer and Mini Excavator Laser Guided Grading Package today.