Having the most reliable counters, the Keson Polycast Roadrunner Telescopic Measuring Wheel is perfect for measuring garden size, roads, construction site, building interiors and even on railroad tracks. It has an accuracy of 99.7 percent on a flat, even track and has a measuring range of up to 9,999 feet or meters.
With over 20 years of improvement, the Roadrunner measuring wheel is built with the strongest frame designs which are suitable even for the harshest environment. With its easy-read, magnified counter, the contractor can effortlessly read the five-digit reading. Its new three-piece, pistol grip handle has quick snap cam locks and can telescope down to 23 inches for easy transport and storage.
The Keson Polycast Roadrunner Telescopic Measuring Wheel offers six different models with varying features. It is also backed-up with limited lifetime warranty.
Item Number





Units of Measure
Feet, 10ths
Feet, Inches
Meter, Decimeter
Feet, 10ths
Feet, Inches
12.5 inches
12.5 inches
0.318 meter (12.5 inches)
15.5 inches
15.5 inches
3 feet
3 feet
3.3 feet (1 meter)
4 feet
4 feet
Assembly Required