The Bosch GLL100-40G Green-Beam Cross-Line Laser is an excellent device for a wide
range of level, align and plumb point applications. It has a one-switch operation and an accompanying mobile
application, which coupled with its smart pendulum system, allows for a very quick setup. Its robust over molded
construction makes it very dependable and reliable.
Accurate and Bright Laser: The device projects highly visible green laser lines and plumb points
(that are 4x brighter than standard green beams), with VisiMax technology, that are bright and precisely level, at a
distance of up to 100 feet. The projected laser lines have a high level of accuracy, that has a tolerance of just
±1/8" at 30ft for the laser lines and points. Its versatility, accuracy and ease-of-use makes it much more valuable
than any typical line laser.
Smart Pendulum System: The smart pendulum self-levels and indicates when the device is
out-of-level. When the device is switched off, the pendulum gets locked in its place, this helps in ensuring a long
tool life
Ergonomic Mounting System: The device is very easy to use and set up. The included LB10 L-Bracket
Mount stays centered on the set level and the DK10 Ceiling Clip provides great utility in attaching the laser to
beams and columns.
Multiple Modes: Manual mode can be helpful in locking lines for use at any angle. And the Pulse
receiver mode can be operated with an optional laser receiver (LR 6 or LR8) for applications with a 165ft working